Google Meet - How To Set Up A Google Meet

Google Meet - How to Set Up A Google Meet

Set up Meet for distance learning

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How To Set Up A Google Meet

By default, G Suite for Education has Meet turned on. If Meet was turned off, you'll turn it back on. Changes can take up to 24 hours to use to all or any or any users. within the meantime, some users won't be able to access video meetings.

Note: Through September 30, 2020, educators and IT administrators preparing for potential school closures can access Google Meet's premium video conferencing features like larger meetings (up to 250 participants per call), live streaming, and meeting recording. Learn more.

Recent updates

Approve requests to join—During a video meeting, only the meeting creator can see and approve requests to hitch the meeting from outside of the school’s G Suite domain.

If a teacher creates a gathering and wishes to include guests with an email address that’s outside of their school domain, confirm the meeting creator stays on the choice until all external guests are approved to hitch .

Manage participants—Only the meeting creator can mute or remove participants.
Prevent meeting reuse—Students can’t rejoin the choice if teachers leave a nicknamed meeting last. 

Set up A google meet 

Step 1: activate Meet video calling

When the Google Meet service is on, users are getting to be able to create and join video meetings in your organization.

Note: you'll still use other video conferencing services when Meet is turned on. 

  • Sign in to your Google Admin console.
Sign in using an administrator account,

  • From the Admin console Home page, attend Apps and then G Suite and then Google Meet.
  •  Next to Service status, click the Down arrow .
  • To turn on or off a service for everyone in your organization, click On for everyone or Off for everyone , then click Save.
  • To turn on or off a service only for users in an organizational unit:
  • At the left, select the organizational unit.

Select On or Off.

To keep the service turned on or off even when the service is turned on or off for the parent organizational unit, click Override.

If the organization's status is already Overridden, choose an option:

Inherit—Reverts to the same setting as its parent.

Save—Saves your new setting (even if the parent setting changes).

Learn more about organizational structure.

To turn on a service for a gaggle of users across or within organizational units, select an access group. For details, attend activate a service for a gaggle .

Changes typically become in minutes, but can take up to 24 hours. For details, attend How changes propagate to Google services.

Also Read : How to Create Google Meeting Link

Step 2: Activate live streaming / Set Up A Google Meet

Recommended: Enable for faculty and staff only. you'll add separate organizational units for your faculty and students, then apply separate access rules. If you use Classroom and have verified teachers, you'll enable access for your Classroom Teachers group.

From the Admin console Home page, attend Appsand thenG Suiteand thenGoogle Meet.
Click Meet video settings.

To apply the setting to everyone, leave the very best organizational unit selected. Otherwise, select a toddler organizational unit or a configuration group.

Click Stream.

 Check the Let people stream their meetings box.

Click Save.

Step 3: activate meeting recording / Set Up A Google Meet

Recommended: Enable for faculty and staff only. you'll add separate organizational units for your faculty and students, then apply separate access rules. If you use Classroom and have verified teachers, you'll enable access for your Classroom Teachers group.

From the Admin console Home page, go to Appsand thenG Suiteand thenGoogle Meet.

Click Meet video settings.

To apply the setting to everyone, leave the very best organizational unit selected. Otherwise, select a toddler organizational unit or a configuration group.

Click Recording.

Check the Let people record their meetings box.

Click Save.

View the Meet features available to a user or group

To make sure advanced Meet features, like recording and live streaming, are only available to specific users, view the settings that are turned on or off for a specific user, Google Group, or organizational unit.

From the Admin console Home page, go to Appsand thenG Suiteand thenSettings for Google Hangouts.

Click the Meet video settings section to expand it.

The Meet settings page shows the features that are turned on or off for that user, group, or organizational unit.

On the left, select an option.

To search by username, click Users and appearance for the username. Meet settings can’t be changed for a personal user. Instead, add them to an organizational unit or a gaggle that has the proper Meet settings.

To search by group, click Groups and appearance for the group name or email address. to point out a Meet feature on or off for that group, click a setting name, change the setting, and click on on Override.

To search by organizational unit, click Organizational Units and choose or search for an organizational unit. to point out a Meet feature on or off for that organizational unit, click a setting name, change the setting and click on on Override.

Changes typically become in minutes, but can take up to 24 hours. For details, attend How changes propagate to Google services.

FAQ Question About Google Meet - Set Up A Google Meet

Protect video meeting quality

To ensure teachers or students don't share accounts, provision one G Suite account for each user.

To limit Meet bandwidth, set the default video quality within the Google Admin console. 

To understand Meet usage and find problems, use the Meet Quality tool and Google Meet activity logs. 

If Meet is unavailable otherwise you experience performance issues, use the Meet troubleshooting guide

How long will the premium Google Meet features be available to G Suite for Education customers?

Larger meetings, live streaming, and recorded meetings are available to all or any G Suite for Education customers until September 30, 2020. After this point , the domain will have the choice to retain access to those features by purchasing G Suite Enterprise for Education.

Local non-US dial-in numbers for meetings aren't included during this program. G Suite for Education customers still have access to US dial-in phone numbers.

Can I activate Google Meet but disable chat in classic Hangouts?

No. For more information, attend Classic Hangouts to satisfy FAQ or Block Meet and Chat on school-managed Chromebooks.

What if I’m a current G Suite Enterprise for Education customer?

If you’ve already purchased G Suite Enterprise for Education for your entire domain, you’ll got to assign faculty licenses to the users you would like to possess access to the premium features, and enable those features within the Admin Console. If you bought G Suite Enterprise for Education for a subset of your domain, all users without Enterprise licenses will have access to the premium features, but you’ll still got to enable them for specific organizational units within the Admin Console.

Who can approve external requests to hitch a meeting? 

Only the meeting creator or calendar owner can approve requests to hitch a gathering by video from outside your domain.

If the meeting creator must leave before the meeting ends, they ought to first approve any requests they need to permit . During a gathering , no other participants can see or approve external requests.

The meeting creator can’t:

Allow external guests to hitch a gathering ongoing automatically.
Allow others to simply accept requests from external participants to hitch a gathering .
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Google Meet - How To Set Up A Google Meet Google Meet - How To Set Up A Google Meet Reviewed by Ab World on July 11, 2020 Rating: 5

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